Thursday, March 21, 2013

#10 Career Planning

 Section: BEED 4-2
 Contact Number: 09207942429
    1. Describe your experience on EDUC165 Distance Learning. Indicate the pros and cons.
My experienced on EDUC165 Distance Learning is good. It is not hard for me because the school where I was assigned was having a computer and an internet connection where I can access and do the activity. It was easy and I can get connected with my friends and classmates. I don’t need any materials or textbooks as long as I have a computer and internet connection.

Evaluate the course. (Both positive & negative comments are welcome and will be greatly appreciated by the instructor for improvement)

 It was easier because the materials are available.
Not all students have a computer and internet connection so it is also cost money.
It is much better if the materials were given earlier because the students have also a field practice.
Be clear in giving directions in the different titles of the modules.
Thank you.. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

#8 Distance Education The Global Teacher

#24 Tabacao,Talavera,
Nueva Ecija

March 10, 2013



Good day!
Greeting in the name of the lord Jesus Christ!

May I request for the consideration of my application letter for the teaching position in your educational institution.

I am Joan M. Avila, resident of  #24 Tabacao,Talavera, Nueva Ecija. I graduated at Central Luzon State University with a degree of Bachelor of Elementary Education  major in  Generalist.

I successfully finished my immersion, 1ST  Semester, Experiencing the Teaching and Learning Process in San Jose East Central School, San Jose City and my Off-Campus Teaching in Muñoz Central School, Science City Muñoz, Nueva Ecija.
I believe that the trainings and education I underwent are vital not only in building my professional fulfillment but also in helping your school in attaining its goals.

My curriculum vitae and other pertinent documents are attached here for your evaluation and references. I am looking forward for the inclusion of my name for an interview and demonstration teaching of your convenient time.

Thank you and God bless!

Respectfully yours,
Joan M. Avila

Tabacao, Talavera, Nueva Ecija
Cellphone No.09207942429
E-mail Address:
CAREER OBJECTIVE:               
To be part of your school wherein I am able to share my teaching skills and competencies and also to challenge myself and enhance my personal and professional potentials and abilities in the profession.


Age                                   : 23
Sex                                    : Female
Date of Birth                    : March 3, 1990
Civil Status                       : Single
Nationality                       : Filipino
Height                               : 5’0
Weight                              : 45 kls.
Religion                            : Roman Catholic
Language                          : Tagalog


2010 to present:           College of education, Bachelor of Elementary Education
                                       Central Luzon State University
                                       Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija
2003-2007:                        Tabacao National High School
                                       Tabacao, Talavera, Nueva Ecija
1997-2003:                   Tabacao Elementary School                                      
                                       Tabacao, Talavera , Nueva Ecija                    

Ø Enhancing Teacher Skills in Story Telling
Ced Multi-Purpose Hall, College of Education
Central Luzon State University, Science City of Munoz Nueva Ecija
February 12, 2011

Ø  15th PNBTE Student Teacher’s Congress
“Teaching and Its Legalities”
Nueva Ecija Convention Center, Palayan City
November 29, 2012

Ø  Enhancing Knowledge About Philippine K to 12 Curriculum for Grade One
“Rationale, Contents, and Methodologies
Central Luzon State University-College of Education Multi Purpose Hall
September 15, 2012

Ø  2nd Regional Student Assembly
“Revitalizing the Philippine Educational System through K to 12
Tarlac State University
August 17, 2012

Ø  Creative Teaching Methods for Elementary and Secondary Teachers
Central Luzon State University-College of Education
September 09, 2011

Ø  LET Extreme 2011
“Act Locally, Help Globally”
Central Luzon State University Auditorium
September 16, 2011


1ST  Semester, Experiencing the Teaching and Learning Process
San Jose East Central School, San Jose City
Four (4)  teaching sessions in English, Science, Mathematics and Hekasi
Off-Campus Teaching
Muñoz Central School, Science City Muñoz, Nueva Ecija
 Science City Muñoz, Nueva Ecija

Ø  Computer literate (MS-WORD, MS-EXCEL, MS-POINT)
Ø  Singing
Ø  Drawing


Ms. Jhundhelle H. Parungao
Chair, Elementary Education Department
Central Luzon State University

Mr. Virgilio V. Domingo
Principal IV
Munoz Central School

Mrs. Margie R. Rafols
Teacher III
Munoz Central School

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.


#9 Environmental Education

The film home highlight the damage man is doing to the planet. With this film, it shows images of cities, rain forests, deserts and oceans to highlight the damage of climate change, development and over exploitation is doing to the planet.
 This film by Arthus-Bertrand hopes to provide a stepping-stone to further the call to action to take care of our mother earth. Yet we have succeeded in disrupting the balance that is so essential to life on Earth.
The Earth is a miracle. Life remains a mystery. Family of animals form united by customs and rituals that survive today. Some adapt to the nature of their pasture, and their pasture adapts to them. And both gained. The animal sates its hunger and the tree can blossom again. In the great adventure of life on Earth. Every species has a role to play; every species has its place. None is futile or harmful. They all balance out. And that’s where us, human enter the story. You benefit from its different beautiful nature.
All living matter is linked like water, air, soil, trees etc.  The world’s magic is right in front of our eyes. Trees breathe groundwater into the atmosphere as light mist. They form a canopy that alleviates the impact of heavy rains and protects the soil from erosion. The forests provide the humidity that is necessary for life. They are the mother and father of rain. The forests store carbon. They contain more than all the Earth’s atmosphere.
They are the cornerstone of the climatic balance on which we all depend. Trees provide a habitat for the planet’s biodiversity-that is to say, of all life on Earth. Every year, we discover new species we had no idea existed-insects, birds, mammals. These forests provide the remedies that cure us. The substances secreted by these plants can be recognized by our bodies. We are of the same family all living things are important.
Humanity has no more than 10 years to reverse the trend and avoid crossing into this territory life on Earth as we have never known it. We have created phenomena we cannot control. Since our origins, water, air and forms of life are intimately linked. But recently, we have broken those links.
Let’s face the facts. All that we have just seen is a reflection of human behavior. We have shaped the Earth in our image. We have very little time to change. It’s time to come together. What’s important is not what’s gone, but what remains. We still have half the world’s forests, thousands of rivers, lakes and glaciers and thousands of thriving species. We know that the solutions are there today. We all have the power to change. So what are we waiting for?
Lets save and protect  the mother earth.

#7 the Teacher as a Promoter of Peace in the Workplace and in the Community

           I am really impressed to the author this article is great. I love the challenge to teachers at the end to pursue a different career path which will better use the love that they have for children. This article is so true, and I would have felt powerless to do anything about it when I’m in this situation. I think very often, wonderful people become teachers, because they really have a great heart to see children develop and learn. It is a sad reflection of the way society become so legalistic, impersonal, and results-driven. They did not know how hard it is to be a teacher and a second parent. Well done to the author. I am really happy when I read this article.
Teachers spend many a week with students the classroom is their second home.  Teachers watch them build relationships. They watch them grow as readers. See their faces light up when they realize they got an answer right. Watch them discover a skill they did not know they had. There are there to console them when there are problems at home. Teachers there with band-aids when they fall. They are Mom, Dad, Grandma, and Grandpa. Their support system when you’re not there. You’re not the only one who has a bond with this child.
When there are up to 40 or 60 students’ student into a classroom, our teachers become babysitters, not educators. When you as parents refuse to pass a proper school budget, you force the babysitters to work with outdated materials or none at all.
             How about parents take some personal responsibility? These treasures… these special unique individuals you care so much about… your babies… you brought them into the world. Parents have the biggest impact on their growth and development. Teachers chose the profession not to get rich, but to try to make a difference and mold something good.

#6 Reflection Global Classroom

Logging in the Compostela Valley

             God’s creation is a responsibility that the Lord gave to every man since He created this world and its permanence remains until today.
 However, man has reversed God’s order instead it is creation/creatures that became responsible over men which men did follow. To date, greed for power, money and prestige has destroyed men after their destruction of all that was given them. Men forgot its mission gradually, little by little, then to a great extent.
All of these surrounding realities are manifestations of men’s neglect of the environment. Illegal logging and mining is the cause of the incident. Corrupt local politicians and military officials are involved in the illegal logging and mining. If they did their job in evacuating the people, the death of people would not have happened. It is really a time to make the death penalty the punishment for corruption. The hundreds and even the thousands of lives lost because of the corrupt practices can no longer and must never be ignored. I expect government will need to make efforts to lessen the impact of natural calamity. We as a citizen should help and contribute by clearing the drainage; tree planting to help absorbed the rain water and helping the victims by proper medical care to affected families and insuring that there will be ready rescue equipment.
We need to take care for our mother earth. Today it is clear nature has spoken. There is a strong message for all of us and we need to wake up now though seemingly it may be too late. Yet there’s always hope.  

4. Listen to the music of other countries and learn to sing one song. Video record you singing it. Post the lyrics.

I can almost see it 
That dream I am dreaming
But there's a voice inside my head saying "You'll never reach it"
Every step I'm taking every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking
but I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But no, I'm not breaking
I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most, yeah
Just gotta keep going
And I, I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on
'Cause there's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Somebody's gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!
Keep on moving, keep climbing
Keep the faith, baby
It's all about; it's all about the climb
Keep the faith; keep your faith, whoa

#5 Global Classroom

1.     A globally competent citizen exhibits the characteristics listed below. Explain clearly as you can what each characteristic mean to you?


a.  Has appreciation for people from other cultures

The world is a colorful landscape of different languages, colors, and different cultures. It's important to develop an appreciation for different cultures in order to become a well-rounded person who is sensitive to the unique qualities of others. One way to develop this appreciation to try to learn about other cultures around the world.
There are several ways to become knowledgeable about different cultures. One way is to read books written by authors from a particular culture. Reading works by authors who have a close relationship with a particular culture allows people to gain information into the food, music, language, religion, and way of a life of a particular group of people.
For example, when a teacher wishes to expose her students to a different culture, she will often read them stories based on a culture's folklore. She may invite storytellers to visit the classroom so students can listen to authentic tales from that particular culture.

b. Is sensitive to the needs of people different from themselves
When we talk about differences between cultures, we must always remember not to expect every individual to behave in a manner consistent with those people or to others in every situation.  In order to understand problems or issues that are global in nature, a student must have a strong knowledge base from several disciplines. The skills to acquire and analyze information about specific cultures and regions of the world must be developed. Central to this process is the existence of a civic environment which permits the responsible exchange and debate of information and ideas
Although there's value in making predictions about human behavior based on the patterns we see in different cultures, there's also the risk of doing great harm by stereotyping.  If we assume that all individuals in a certain group have exactly the same characteristics, then we are stereotyping.  Of course, individuals within a country differ from each other to a certain extent, and nations have subcultures too. 

c.          Has increasing knowledge about people around the world


          It is important to have knowledge about people around the world because global education and international education gives the day-to-day lives of average citizens around the world and influenced by international connections. The goods we buy, the work we do, the cross-cultural links we have in our own communities and outside of them, and increased worldwide communication capabilities all contribute to an imperative that responsible citizens understand global and international issues.

d.  Has critical cognitive skills and attitudes such as empathy, interconnectedness, perspective taking, cross-cultural understanding, action orientation, and prejudice reduction.


          By studying the traditions, history, and current challenges of other cultures, the perspective consciousness of our students must be raised and ethnocentric barriers must be addressed. The social studies curriculum should provide a forum for discussion of issues of inequity and unfairness, racism, and power in and among societies. It is important to have understanding in the different attitudes among the other people.

    1. As an educator, you can make a difference in teaching and learning locally and globally when you address the needs of the nation you serve and transit the proper attitudes and beliefs you think to be necessary to maintain the society of which you are a part through your learners in a global classroom. Discuss how you can make your classroom a global community.

Characteristics of a Global Classroom
How can you make your classroom a global community?
Global perspective is integrated throughout the school curriculum not just in social studies.
  As a teacher I will teach to my students by using an interdisciplinary approach within and beyond social studies and make links to multicultural education I will teach them advantage of technology, including Internet and e-mail.
International focus courses are developed in areas such as anthropology, regional history, geography, global or world studies, foreign language study, world religions, ethnic group studies, international business, music, and art.
 As a teacher I will utilize primary sources from other countries, from constitutions to literature to artifacts and I will address global issues with an approach that promotes multiple perspectives and intellectual honesty and action.
Internationalizing instructional methods and materials emphasize intercultural interaction and culturally appropriate methods of instruction and assessment. Partnership programs with other schools and countries can also be developed.
  I will include internationally experienced persons; students, teachers, parents, and others in the community; and I will emphasize interactive methodology, such as a model United Nations and cross-cultural simulations and role plays;
Encouraging international travel as an important part of one’s education
As a teacher I will encourage new avenues for research in the international arena and encourage teachers to participate or make use of this research in their classrooms.