Tuesday, March 19, 2013

#5 Global Classroom

1.     A globally competent citizen exhibits the characteristics listed below. Explain clearly as you can what each characteristic mean to you?


a.  Has appreciation for people from other cultures

The world is a colorful landscape of different languages, colors, and different cultures. It's important to develop an appreciation for different cultures in order to become a well-rounded person who is sensitive to the unique qualities of others. One way to develop this appreciation to try to learn about other cultures around the world.
There are several ways to become knowledgeable about different cultures. One way is to read books written by authors from a particular culture. Reading works by authors who have a close relationship with a particular culture allows people to gain information into the food, music, language, religion, and way of a life of a particular group of people.
For example, when a teacher wishes to expose her students to a different culture, she will often read them stories based on a culture's folklore. She may invite storytellers to visit the classroom so students can listen to authentic tales from that particular culture.

b. Is sensitive to the needs of people different from themselves
When we talk about differences between cultures, we must always remember not to expect every individual to behave in a manner consistent with those people or to others in every situation.  In order to understand problems or issues that are global in nature, a student must have a strong knowledge base from several disciplines. The skills to acquire and analyze information about specific cultures and regions of the world must be developed. Central to this process is the existence of a civic environment which permits the responsible exchange and debate of information and ideas
Although there's value in making predictions about human behavior based on the patterns we see in different cultures, there's also the risk of doing great harm by stereotyping.  If we assume that all individuals in a certain group have exactly the same characteristics, then we are stereotyping.  Of course, individuals within a country differ from each other to a certain extent, and nations have subcultures too. 

c.          Has increasing knowledge about people around the world


          It is important to have knowledge about people around the world because global education and international education gives the day-to-day lives of average citizens around the world and influenced by international connections. The goods we buy, the work we do, the cross-cultural links we have in our own communities and outside of them, and increased worldwide communication capabilities all contribute to an imperative that responsible citizens understand global and international issues.

d.  Has critical cognitive skills and attitudes such as empathy, interconnectedness, perspective taking, cross-cultural understanding, action orientation, and prejudice reduction.


          By studying the traditions, history, and current challenges of other cultures, the perspective consciousness of our students must be raised and ethnocentric barriers must be addressed. The social studies curriculum should provide a forum for discussion of issues of inequity and unfairness, racism, and power in and among societies. It is important to have understanding in the different attitudes among the other people.

    1. As an educator, you can make a difference in teaching and learning locally and globally when you address the needs of the nation you serve and transit the proper attitudes and beliefs you think to be necessary to maintain the society of which you are a part through your learners in a global classroom. Discuss how you can make your classroom a global community.

Characteristics of a Global Classroom
How can you make your classroom a global community?
Global perspective is integrated throughout the school curriculum not just in social studies.
  As a teacher I will teach to my students by using an interdisciplinary approach within and beyond social studies and make links to multicultural education I will teach them advantage of technology, including Internet and e-mail.
International focus courses are developed in areas such as anthropology, regional history, geography, global or world studies, foreign language study, world religions, ethnic group studies, international business, music, and art.
 As a teacher I will utilize primary sources from other countries, from constitutions to literature to artifacts and I will address global issues with an approach that promotes multiple perspectives and intellectual honesty and action.
Internationalizing instructional methods and materials emphasize intercultural interaction and culturally appropriate methods of instruction and assessment. Partnership programs with other schools and countries can also be developed.
  I will include internationally experienced persons; students, teachers, parents, and others in the community; and I will emphasize interactive methodology, such as a model United Nations and cross-cultural simulations and role plays;
Encouraging international travel as an important part of one’s education
As a teacher I will encourage new avenues for research in the international arena and encourage teachers to participate or make use of this research in their classrooms.

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